isolated links
Garry & Yelena
ni6t at
Wed Jan 29 09:20:31 EST 1997
Hi John:
Sounds like the fiber optic solution a la K5NA will do the job, but
there is another way to get an isolated RS232 link.
You can use optoisolators. Of course, I am sure you already know how to
do that, but you might not know that there are integrated solutions
available. When I was at Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA in the
early '90's, we were developing a hybrid RS232 transceiver containing an
opto interface. intended for UL approval. Functionally, it was identical
to standard RS232 transceivers, but with a 1500 Volt isolation barrier.
And it utilized Maxim's single-5V supply technology. It was intended to
solve the problem of dissimilar AC grounds, encountered when connecting
computer systems running off different electrical panels. This is of
course a common situation in industrial/commercial applications. I
believe the unit is in production, but I forget the part #.
I don't know how it stacks up for RF pickup--Applications Engineering
can tell you--but it solves the floating AC ground problem, bigtime.
You might want to check it out. The engineer most intimately associated
with its development was Bob, AA6BT. Maxim's phone is (408) 737-7600.
(Disclaimer--I no longer have a direct connection with Maxim. I do own
some stock---luckily, cuz the company is a Rocket.)
Garry Shapiro, NI6T
Visit the Northern California DX Club 50th Anniversary page:
>From thompson at (David L. Thompson) Wed Jan 29 06:04:18 1997
From: thompson at (David L. Thompson) (David L. Thompson)
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 01:04:18 -0500
Subject: Status: E-mail for the CQ 160
Message-ID: <199701291803.NAA43634 at>
The status is this: I have a volunteer, but he is 800 miles away so he will
in turn have to probably
FTP or put them on mini data cartridge to send them to me.
I am still not sure this is the way to accept E-mail. Plus What I use is
the summary sheet, the dup list, and the actual ascii log (.all). I don't
use the .bin except to try an reconstruct one of the missing pieces.
I need to know if E-mailing these pieces is possible? They must also be
attachments NOT in the actual E-mail. I cannot follow the other standards
as my checking will not work.
I need several knowledgeable contesters to let me know if they can comply or
am I off base!
Reply to me directly not to the reflector!!!!!!!
You can always send me a 3.5 diskette with printed summary/dup sheets . Of
course hand logs are always accepted.
73, Dave K4JRB
CQ WW 160 Contests Director
>From silver at (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira) Wed Jan 29 10:49:49 1997
From: silver at (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira) (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira)
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 08:49:49 -0200
Subject: Another 80 m question
Message-ID: < at>
3 radials elevated (3m over the ground) can drop considerably the ground
losses. But how much? It is equivalent to how many radials when the vertical
is ground mounted?
>From radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys) Wed Jan 29 18:48:43 1997
From: radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys) (Robert Penneys)
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 13:48:43 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Opinion on Omni VI?
Message-ID: <199701291848.NAA24320 at>
Got any opinion of the Omni VI as a CW/contest radio versus the
competition? Ever use one? Like it? Hate it? Runs with CT/NA? etc.
Tnx, Bob
>From bschwerdlin at (Bob Schwerdlin) Wed Jan 29 22:31:11 1997
From: bschwerdlin at (Bob Schwerdlin) (Bob Schwerdlin)
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 16:31:11 -0600
Subject: Available for ARRL CW contest (USA & Abroad)
Message-ID: <19970129223110546.AAA276 at>
Due to low funds available this year (cash is tight), I am asking around to
see if anyone is in need of another high speed CW operator for the ARRL DX
CW contest next month.
I was part of the V31EV team last year. 2nd place North America in M/S
catagory. 4300+ Q's. - I was asked to go again this year, but airfare to
Belize was over $700 USD not counting food and lodging, that would put me
over $1000 USD and I just can't afford that much this time around.
I am willing to travel to most anywhere in USA or cheap airfare to Europe or
Carribian. But I must know pretty quickly if you need me, so I can make
arrangements, etc...
Let me know A.S.A.P.
Bob Schwerdlin, WG9L, V31RC, FP/WB9VLV
bschwerdlin at (work - daily)
WG9L at (home)
WG9L at (home, alternate)
847-965-5922 (Niles, IL - near Chicago, IL - home)
312-454-1116 x 326 (work - Chicago,IL)
>From n4gn at (Tim Totten, N4GN) Thu Jan 30 01:08:07 1997
From: n4gn at (Tim Totten, N4GN) (Tim Totten, N4GN)
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 20:08:07 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Contesters at Miami Hamboree?
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95.970129195822.28072A-100000 at iglou1>
Any contester types attending the Miami Hamboree this wknd? If so, let's
get together! I'll be in town Friday eve through Monday morn. Drop me a
Tim Totten, N4GN (formerly KJ4VH)
n4gn at n4gn at
>From Tim_Coad at (Tim Coad) Thu Jan 30 01:10:11 1997
From: Tim_Coad at (Tim Coad) (Tim Coad)
Date: 29 Jan 1997 17:10:11 -0800
Subject: Summary-Quicky 160 ant (lon
Message-ID: <n1357564289.76133 at>
Thanks for all the replies to the request for a 160 Quicky antenna.
You gave me some great ideas.
I thought the replies interesting enough to share. Sorry if you have no
First, my original post:
The ARRL DX contests are coming soon.
I need a real simple 160 mtr antenna I can put up in one afternoon. We have
a 120 foot tower with 20&40 mtr monobanders and an 80 mtr vee. There are
also some low fixed 20 and 15 mtr beams for SS on it.
Any ideas besides another inverted vee for 160?
Or is that the best choice at this point?
Tim - NU6S
Here's what I got. Thanks to all who responded!
Inverted LUs:
An inverted L is probably quicker and easier to put up and feed and
for dx it should be at least as effective as an inv-v at that height.
its also easier to run feed line to it since its fed on or near the
ground instead of from the top of the tower.... unless of course you
already have the feed line in place.
Probably the simplest and one that I have found works well, is an
inverted L. The wire length is 126.5 feet. Start with more, and trim to
resonance where you want in the band. Feed with coax at the base of your
tower, attach the center conductor to the wire, and the braid to a ground
rod, or the tower if it is grounded. You don't need any matching network
at the feed point. Take the wire as far up the tower, vertical, as you
wish (the more vertical the better). Take the rest off as flat as you
can, but it doesn't matter if it slopes a bit. The horizontal section of
wire acts more like a capacitance hat than a radiator. If you have the
time to string some long (600 feet) wire at low level for a receiving
antenna you will hear better on that. GL and look for you on the air..
Try and inverted L...You dont need a tuner, and they seem to work pretty
well. 70 feet vertical, and 25 feet horizontal should do the trick. Maybe a
coupleof radials if you have room.
I have a "dirt-simple" inverted L. Feed it at the base of the tower
with 50 ohm coax, no tuner, no matching network, "no nothin'". It goes up
the tower for 75 feet then over to a handy tree. Total length is about 150
feet. Three elevated radials attached to the tower about 10 feet up, 135
feet long, anchored to steel posts at the far end (insulated from them).
SWR is under 2:1 from 1800 to 1950. Maybe I'm just lucky?
Hi Tim- Try a simple inverted L with a single radial under its horizontal
component. Get a spool of 500ft #14 UV protected wire from Home Depot. Cut
127ft piece for the L. Run it up vertically as much as possible, then top
runs horizontallly, however you have to support it. We (6E2T team) ran a
single radial of 127ft on the ground under it (cut from same spool of
wire), connected to the ground terminal on UNIQUE (single wire) wire
tuner, which is also connected to a short ground rod close by. The L is
connected to the single wire terminal on the UNIQUE tuner. The UNIQUE is
tuned for lowest SWR at freq (1830 for us in MEX as DX), then we connect
coax to UNIQUE tuner output, and run it for 20ft or so to the amplifier, or
"inside" tuner if it tunes 160M freqs. This antenna worked really well over
salt water ground on beach in Ensenada, and we worked about 45 MULTs in 3
hours on 160M Friday night of '95 ARRL DX CW (which we won). Try it, you'll
like it.
An inverted L hangs off of a tall tower like that pretty well. Run the end
of the wire up towards the tower, and the "horizontal part" can go at quite
an angle if you have to tie the other support rope to something low. The
vertical part will then hang down somewhere between 30 to 50 feet from the
It may be hard to get the ground system you need in an afternoon. 8 radials
works ok, 15 pretty good, 50 works great, but you can chip away at this
gradually over days. The inverted L will beat the Inv. V for long haul
stuff but an inv. vee at 120 feet is no slouch.
Your time limit probably prevents shunt feeding the tower and the
associate radial farm needed. That is most likely your best long-term
The inverted vee is OK, but are you looking for DX or domestic?
If it is DX you seek, why not support an inverted-L with elevated
feed and elevated radials? This can be done in a day and is quite
effective. I suggest you hang the L as far from the tower as possible,
i.e., from a catenary rope extending from the tower to a nearby
tree or something like that.
Other Ideas:
How bout a full size vertical. Top point near the tower, and then
pull the base out till the wire's taught. Plop down a few radials.
We use this type of antenna at 4M5X with great success. In our case,
the base wire is about 50' from the tower. I modeled it, and there
was very little effect to the vertical radiation.
Try the "VNE Special", designed by W9VNE. It is 5/8 wave long,
supported at the top of your favorite tree. (or tower). Feed it at the
bottom of one of the V legs. (doesn't matter which one!). Connnect a
tuner at the feedpoint (of course, you should protect it from the
elements) with the wire connected to the "single wire" connection
point. No radials. Just plug in the coax to the tuner, and you're all
Won't set the world on fire, but it should crush an inverted vee.
Tim - I have an anv vee, apex at 75 ft. Works well enough for me for
the limited time I spend on 160 during a contest (looking for mults,
not runs). Also, good enough to work the VK0 last week.
Take a 120 foot piece of #14 wire up to the top of the tower, feed it with
coax, ground the braid to the tower and run the 120 ft. sloper at about a 45
degree angle and away you go.
Look on page 45 of June 1994 QST. Its an article on elevated groundplane
80/160 antennas with reverse feed. Its very simple, and it works. As a
matter of fact, I'm the guys the author talks about later in the
article. I had just moved to the country before the CQWW and needed a
160m antenna in a hurry.
That antenna still works and is just an S-unit below my full wave 160m
delta loop.
Tim: See CQ magazine Oct. 1996 page 34 for an easy 160 antenna.
If the tower is insulated and you have the room, check out N4KG's article on
page 45 of June 1994 QST.
If you can get the ends of the vee up in the air at all (around
sixty feet or more), I would go with the vee. There are other
things you could do that might work better, but overall, you will
do okay with it. It also will work on receive.
If I had a 120' tower I would probably (in order of Preference) do one of
the following.
1) Shunt feed the tower and lay in at least 15 to 20 radials.
2) Put up and inverted L and lay in at least 15 to 20 radials.
3) put up two 1/4 wave slopers (one toward the caribbean, the other towards
4) Put up and Inverted V
Sloper off the tower, pointed East. (Not enough points to your west to
care about.)
You already have the best possible antenna up -- your tower plus the beams
on top will act much like a 5/8-wavelength vertical, provided you do two
Install some radials. (Note: no climbing required!!!!)
Install a gamma matching section. (You'll need to climb partway up the
I'm assuming the tower is grounded at the base and that any guy wires have
insulators in them somewhere near the tower ends.
There ain't no better 160 antenna!!!! (Except maybe two of these, phased.)
The biggest problem is you'll need maybe 1300 to 1600 pf of either air
variable caps or high voltage doorknobs for your matching section. Your
gamma 'rod' can be something as simple as #12 wire spaced a foot or two from
the side of the tower. It may need to extend up the side of the tower
between 50 and 80 feet.
Trust me -- it's great. I have 22 radials of varying lengths; 75 feet to
150 feet, as distance to property lines permitted. (Ideally they'd be 130
feet long.)
Another way is a 1/4 sloper. If you use the 1/4
sloper, don't worry about cutting to resonance. Just measure a 1/4 of wire,
turn back a lot around the bottom insulator, and tune for best SWR at
desired frequency. That's probably cheapest and dirtiest, and more bang for
the buck than an inverted V.
I would make up some 80m traps, put them on the end of your 80m v, and then
add enough wire to make it into a 80/160m trapped v. W6CYX went over to
W6DU's house and did this last week; it worked out to an extra 35' of wire
on each side of Eric's 80m vee. The traps you can make yourself from a
short piece of PVC pipe (abt. 10" long x 2" OD) plus some RG-58. If you're
interested, I can look up the dimensions and pass it along to you. I've
made these coax-on-PVC traps myself and they work great.
Go with a "K5ZD special". It is a sloping quarter wave vertical with
elevated radials. Several have copied it and works fine/lasts long time.
The heck with the tower. Try a balloon vertical.
I have a much shorter tower (40') and have had good success with an
Inverted L. Basically it is a 1/4 wave, mostly vertical radiator, with
a flat top.
There should be plenty of references in the ARRL antenna book or
possibly at the KA9FOX site.
In response to your request for a 'QUICKIE 160 ANTENNA' let me
point you to an article in the August 1984 CQ.....
It is the W4TWW Coaxial Inverted "L"......
What it is, is 88 feet of RG-58 and 37 feet of twin lead (300 or 450
Fed directly with 50 ohm matching or anything.....mine works
quite well....just last night I broke a pileup on LA7SL in Oslo....2 calls
using a barefoot TS850.....
More about the antenna and how I make it a 'QUICKIE'.....
Starting at the base.....I use a SO239 chassis mount connector and solder a
Pomona mini 'bannana to BNC adapter' between the center pin and one of the
corner holes....the ground pin soldered to center of the '239....You FEED
THE SHIELD on this antenna.....
Next comes 88 feet of RG58 with a BNC connector on one end....(plugs into
the adapter)...on the other end, the center and shield are tied together and
to both sides of the twinlead.....the other end of the 37 feet of twinlead
are shorted together....
I punch a couple of holes in the dielectric of the twin lead and do some
fancy (hi hi) tieing of nylon string to pull the end up into and over a
When I have it hanging from a tree....I wrap 3 or 4 radials into the
remaining 3 holes of the SO239.....I use electric fence wire...stretch them
out....raise the antenna so the 239 is about a foot off of the ground...and
feed it with a random lenghth of coax....what ever it takes.....
I have used several 'ALL COAX' antenna's over the years and find them
quieter than a dipole or sloper (all wire type) antenna...
>From kt4ld at (ANDREW H LEWIS) Thu Jan 30 01:16:33 1997
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 20:16:33 EST
Subject: webpage
Message-ID: <19970129.212049.4455.5.KT4LD at>
Come and visit my *Brand New* web page that I just created last night and
leard how to start your own. I want to see how many times the counter
rings on the page to indicate how many people have been there. It's NOT
at all a super web site but I am working on it every day. So in other
words, it's always under construction. It's got links to DXing and
Contesting web sited and soon it will have pictures and info about me
(that is if I get a scanner). The web site address is case sensitive so
enter it exactly as read: The DX part
has to be capitalized and the rest is not.
>From n9thc at (Rick Andren) Thu Jan 30 08:55:56 1997
From: n9thc at (Rick Andren) (Rick Andren)
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 02:55:56 -0600
Subject: Opinion on Omni VI?
Hi Bob !!!
I run an OMNI VI here and am very happy with it for contesting even though
I have only been contesting for a year. It can be interfaced with CT, but
I have not tried it with NA yet. Any program that will run with an ICOM
735 will work with an OMNI VI. Ten-Tec uses an advanced 735 command set.
Hope this little bit of info helps you.
Rick Andren (N9THC)
n9thc at
> From: Robert Penneys <radio at UDel.Edu>
> To: cq-contest at TGV.COM
> Subject: Opinion on Omni VI?
> Date: Wednesday, January 29, 1997 12:48
> Got any opinion of the Omni VI as a CW/contest radio versus the
> competition? Ever use one? Like it? Hate it? Runs with CT/NA? etc.
> Tnx, Bob
>From k4ma at (Jim Stevens) Thu Jan 30 04:41:41 1997
From: k4ma at (Jim Stevens) (Jim Stevens)
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 23:41:41 -0500
Subject: Sprint SSB
Message-ID: < at>
Anybody need a team member for Sprint SSB?
I'll be at AA4NC, and I'm available.
e-mail to me.
73, Jim Stevens, K4MA (ex KI4HN)
email -- k4ma at
WWW -- -> vanity call info
>From ja6vzb at (Toshiyuki MORIYAMA) Thu Jan 30 07:41:57 1997
From: ja6vzb at (Toshiyuki MORIYAMA) (Toshiyuki MORIYAMA)
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 16:41:57 +0900
Subject: 160 Test KC6VW
Message-ID: <199701300651.PAA02556 at>
Hi all,
Currently, every process is stopped for interruption by FCC document.
Administrator said that issuing is stoped for studying about this document
and KC6 and T8 calls are effective.
Belau is already independed.
FCC did not send nothing until Trust Territries was gone at 1987.
Why they sent a document at this time?
Belau is independed country or belongs US?????
I hope they did not send any more. When the send somthing, every process
will be stop at each time.
At 0:15 AM 97.1.27, Hans Brakob wrote:
> Is T8 the only currently "usable" prefix for Belau, or was the KC6VW
> station in this weekends 160M test a "remnant" call from TTPI days?
Toshiyuki MORIYAMA
Civil Eng.,Kyushu Univ.,
Hakozaki Higashi-ku
812-81 Japan
>From andriusi at (Andrius Ignotas) Thu Jan 30 10:27:22 1997
From: andriusi at (Andrius Ignotas) (Andrius Ignotas)
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 10:27:22 GMT
Subject: WW160CW LY2ZZ COM.
Message-ID: <199701301027.KAA17552 at>
This year I decided to take part in CQWW160CW from LY2ZZ contest station.
I had been listined to the band several days before contest and the con-
dition seemed to be prtty poor!
By calling CQ I started the contest.Rate of first hour was 103 QSO's.Most
of them were EU and just a few were UA9's. I made QSO with JA for mult during
the first hour.The rate went down to 83 next hour. The third hour I decided
to searc for mult 'couse it was so slow with CQ'ing.
Shortly I found some new mults: 4U1ITU, EA8EA, TA2DS, 4L5A, EX8W, GU3HFN.
I heard some USA stations and VE9AA but it's a pitty-they couldnt hear me!!!
Again I started calling CQ making local QSO's with EU. UA9's called me
sometimes us well but most of my QSO's were worth just 5pts
The first USA station I did QSO with was at 0139Z. Actually I wasted lot
of time away 'couse so many EU were calling him and he just couldn't hear
That was NH state. After that I started searching for mult again. I was quite
happy with JY,EK,9K2,A7,EA6 in my log!!!!!
It was so difficult but I got answers from NJ,PA,OHIO,FLA,NC,NY.
The condition was so terrible the first night!!!!!!
MY plan was to make as many QSO's as possible untill the sunrise.So-again
calling CQ. That was great to hear answers from TF3,7X2,CT,SV1.But still lots of
EU and USA stations keep on not answering!For a long time I was calling CQ
making 5pts QSO's, just time to time checking band and picking up every new
mult!I was pleased with SV5,KP4,4X4,8p,P4!
The loudest signal from NA was VE1ZZ who called me and gave a new mult!!!
So I finished the first contest night having 406 QSO's,72mult,and 14
USA/VE among them in my log.The last QSO was 0735Z and I went on my break up
till 1208Z
Again just EU and some UA9's.None of mults from 1208Z till 2050Z!!!!!!!!!!!
Just latter I found UN7 and EZ4.Second night I made 29 JA's and total during
test was 31 JA's!!!
At 2253Z I heard VQ9SS calling CQ and none of takers even he could be
heared so loud!!!
I made firs USA station that might at 0111Z. Some more USA stations
appeared with better signals than first night! I could make QSO's with them
quite easier!
But when calling CQ I wasn't called by any USA station untill 0315Z
During that time I picked up lots of mults:
>From 0315Z NA stations started calling me and I was glad to make them -lots of
new mults come to my log!!!So that second night I made about 67 USA/VE
My next break was from 0800Z till 1030Z Hoping to do some mult from
Pacific again I started at 1130Z. I heared VK3AJJ,9M2AX but I wasn't heared
by them!!!
(it's a pitty!!!!!!)
But anyway, the only Pacific QSO was KC6VW at 1449Z and it was last mult!
I finished contest having 866QSO's (with dupes) and 99 mults
During test I heard (but haven't made!!!):
I hope to do all of them next year hi hi!
So thanks everybody who called me in test !
>From ON7SS at (Marc, ON7SS) Thu Jan 30 13:58:56 1997
From: ON7SS at (Marc, ON7SS) (Marc, ON7SS)
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 14:58:56 +0100
Subject: UBA CONTEST 1996
Message-ID: <199701301358.OAA24849 at>
Hi all,
Logs for the UBA CONTEST 1997 may be send in via email.
Logs must be in ASCII and accompanied by a summarysheet and if possible
dupesheet and multipliersheet.
Send your logs to <ON7TK-ON7LX at>. Deadline 30 days after the contest.
73 Marc, ON7SS
* Amateur Radio Station ON7SS *
* Marc Domen UBA HF Contest Manager *
* Ferdinand Coosemansstraat 32 *
* B - 2600 Berchem (Antwerpen) BELGIUM *
* Tel: 03-218.52.60 *
* Packet Home BBS ON7SS @ON7RC.#BR.BEL.EU *
* Email ON7SS at *
* (have only limited acces on internet) *
* ( i.e. sending and receiving email ) *
>From dippel at (Dieter Dippel) Thu Jan 30 15:11:58 1997
From: dippel at (Dieter Dippel) (Dieter Dippel)
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 15:11:58 MET
Subject: WAE-Contest 96: SSB-Scores available
Message-ID: <29C7EC42A7 at>
Hello everybody,
the Contest-Scores of the WAE-Contest 1996 SSB are available
on the Bavarian Contest Club Homepage.
pse try
73 de Dieter, DF4RD
[] name: Dieter DIPPEL, amateur-radio-callsign: DF4RD
[] university: Erlangen-Nuernberg, Regional Computing Centre
[] address: Martensstrasse 1, D-91058 Erlangen
[] phone: +49 (0) 9131 85-7030 fax: +49 (0) 9131 30 29 41
[] internet: dippel at
[] www:
[] packet: DF4RD at DB0BOX.#BAY.DEU.EU
>From silver at (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira) Thu Jan 30 07:22:18 1997
From: silver at (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira) (Carlos Augusto S. Pereira)
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 05:22:18 -0200
Subject: Another 80 m question / elevated system
Message-ID: < at>
At 08:29 30/01/97 -0500, you wrote:
>In a message dated 97-01-29 22:42:29 EST, you write:
>>3 radials elevated (3m over the ground) can drop considerably the ground
>>losses. But how much? It is equivalent to how many radials when the vertical
>>is ground mounted?
>I would guess it is equivalent to about four to six radials on the ground
>I actually measured with a field strength meter here Carlos, as follows on
>3.7 MHz:
>8 foot high counterpoise system.
>4 wires 37 percent -4.3 dB 20.1 mV
>8 wires 58 percent -2.38 dB 25 mV
>16 wires 86 percent -.63 dB 28.7 mV
>60 wires 96 percent -.18 dB 32.5 mV
>ground mounted radials
>4 wires 28 percent -5.5 dB 17.5 mV
>8 wires 53 percent -2.73 dB 24 mV
>16 wires 74 percent -1.3 dB 28.4 mV
>60 wires reference 100 percent 0 dB 33 mV
>60 radials was the reference system. 4 elevated radials was 4.3 dB down from
>that system. 4 ground mounted radials 5.5 dB down.
>73 Tom
That means, ground mounted and elevated systems are quite even. According to
your tests no big difference. I was going to elevate my HF2V this weekend
but now I'll increase the number of radials instead. I will send this
message back to the reflector in order to receive another tips.
Thank you and 73,
Carlos - PY1CAS
>From je1cka at (Takao KUMAGAI) Thu Jan 30 15:55:58 1997
From: je1cka at (Takao KUMAGAI) (Takao KUMAGAI)
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 00:55:58 +0900
Subject: [cq-contest 22786] WAE-Contest 96: SSB-Scores available
References: <199701301450.XAA04533 at>
Message-ID: <199701301555.AAA04690 at>
on 97/01/30, Dieter Dippel writes:
: the Contest-Scores of the WAE-Contest 1996 SSB are available
: on the Bavarian Contest Club Homepage.
: pse try
: 73 de Dieter, DF4RD
If you have any difficulty to get the result through http, try
this info-server.
Send an email to;
info-contest at
with the following message in the body;
#get wae96ssb.res
cw result is also available, so you add the following message
#get wae96cw.res
Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
Internet: je1cka at
>From n0ss at (Tom Hammond) Thu Jan 30 16:48:38 1997
From: n0ss at (Tom Hammond) (Tom Hammond)
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 10:48:38 -0600
Subject: Another 80 m question / elevated system
Message-ID: <199701301648.KAA29108 at>
>At 08:29 30/01/97 W8JI Tom wrote:
>>I would guess it is equivalent to about four to six radials on the ground
>>I actually measured with a field strength meter here Carlos,
>>as follows on 3.7 MHz:
>>ground mounted radials
>>4 wires 28 percent -5.5 dB 17.5 mV
>>8 wires 53 percent -2.73 dB 24 mV
>>16 wires 74 percent -1.3 dB 28.4 mV
>>60 wires reference 100 percent 0 dB 33 mV
>>60 radials was the reference system. 4 elevated radials was
>>4.3 dB down from that system. 4 ground mounted radials 5.5 dB down.
When you run these tests, did you merely DISCONNECT the other radials?
Or did you actually REMOVE them from the near field? Could probably
make a lot of difference.
73 - Tom Hammond N0SS
>From 102505.2241 at (Rick Dougherty NQ4I) Thu Jan 30 17:35:47 1997
From: 102505.2241 at (Rick Dougherty NQ4I) (Rick Dougherty NQ4I)
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 12:35:47 -0500
Subject: Trip to XX9 and VR2
Message-ID: <199701301236_MC2-1074-A041 at>
I am going on a fairly quick trip to Hong Kong and Maccau and will be there
the 4th ,5th and 6th of Feb...wonder if any hams can e-mail me with
possible plans to meet and maybe operate from there??
There is a possibility I will be ther until the 18th of Feb also..don't
know for sure...tnx
de Rick NQ4I
>From agaliana at (Tony, EA5BY) Thu Jan 30 22:41:35 1997
From: agaliana at (Tony, EA5BY) (Tony, EA5BY)
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 23:41:35 +0100
Subject: Visit to 9A
Message-ID: <19970130214106.AAA9551 at>
Hello friends!
I will be in Zagreb next 5th to 9th of February, because of a bussiness
Is there any DX/CONTEST group?
A visit to 9A1A among others will be very interesting.
73 de Tony EA5BY
(One of the EA5BY Contest team)
ANTONIO GALIANA CUBI E-mail: agaliana at
P.O. Box: 379 Callsign EA5BY (Tony)
E-03280 Elche President of LYNX DX GROUP
Espa¤a (Spain-Europe) Packet BBS:
Tel/Fax: +34 6 5427834 EA5BY at EA5CEE.EAA.ESP.EU
GSM: +34 07 311232
>From radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys) Thu Jan 30 22:33:00 1997
From: radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys) (Robert Penneys)
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 17:33:00 -0500 (EST)
Subject: IC 756
Message-ID: <199701302233.RAA25056 at>
Got to play with a 756 today for a couple minutes. Looks very interesting.
Lot smaller than I thought. One VFO knob; whit a button to switch on dual
receive. Talk about a stocking stuffer.
>From ricky at (Ricky Chilcott) Fri Jan 31 11:13:20 1997
From: ricky at (Ricky Chilcott) (Ricky Chilcott)
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 22:13:20 +1100
Subject: New International Contest from ODXG
Message-ID: < at>
The Oceania DX Group would like to announce the finalisation of the rules
for the new Australian Post Code Contest. The date is the April 19, so get
The full rules are available on the ODXG internet site.
73's Rick VK4LW
>From 103111.2775 at CompuServe.COM (Robert G. Chandler) Fri Jan 31 15:01:37 1997
From: 103111.2775 at CompuServe.COM (Robert G. Chandler) (Robert G. Chandler)
Date: 31 Jan 97 10:01:37 EST
Subject: Announcing -1st Annual Ontario QSO Party
Message-ID: <970131150136_103111.2775_JHG93-1 at CompuServe.COM>
Hello all!
The Ontario DX Association will be running the 1st Annual Ontario QSO Party
April 26, 1997 at 18:00 UTC to April 27, 1997 at 18:00 UTC. Ontario stations
work everyone, other stations work Ontario. Multipliers are Ontario counties,
districts and regional municipalities. Contest runs on all HF bands (except
WARC of course) and on all VHF/UHF bands. There is also an SWL category.
Full details are available on the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) website at or if its easier send a note asking for the rules to
103111.2775 at
73 de Bob
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