[CQ-Contest] Field Day Challene

Wed Jul 2 00:40:16 EDT 1997

>From the contester's perspective ... Field Day is perhaps the MOST
CHALLENING and difficult contest of all !!!  Anybody can click off
100/hr in the tightly formatted "Sprints" but try for a real challenge,
try FieldDay ....

Almost every station is weak as ^&#%$ .... due to temporay setups, low
line voltage, etc.  Add in chronicaly poor band condx ....
thunderstorms, QRN, and summertime QSB.

And finally add trying to complete a QSO with ops who can't send, or
don't know ANY phoenitics .... AND .... the ops change every thirty
minuts .... AND many stns don't even seem to keep a dupe sheet!

Now, MR hotShot fast talkin' contest op, let's see you run 150/hour in
FieldDay!!!!!  Goood Luck

Kevin, WA8ZDT .... 40m ssb @ N8FD

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