[CQ-Contest] Sweepstakes legends

Tom Hammond n0ss at sockets.net
Wed Jul 9 12:34:24 EDT 1997

Trey, N5KO, wrote:

>In my opinion, computer logging slows you down in pileup situations
>because it's so hard to put partial callsigns in the log.  Maybe
>someone will come up with a killer scratch-pad capability in a logging
>program that will finally move us past this problem.  N6TR has made
>the best attempt so far, but it can still be awkward under some

How about having the call entry routine perform a real-time dupe
check AS the call is being entered.. say starting after the first
four characters have been entered... this would eliminate (at least
in CT) having to <Space> to the next field to see if the call's a

Just a thought.

Tom   N0SS

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