[CQ-Contest] Re: Computer vs paper

Ron Stailey, K5DJ Ron-Stailey at easy.com
Fri Jul 11 13:32:18 EDT 1997

>>I am 100% convinced manual logging is faster (more contacts) 
>>than computer logging.  You have to have the right system.
>>It is also more tiring.  Been there, done that.  Been contesting
>>40 years.  Ex: W4BCV, WA6HQR.
>>		73  Paul  N4XM

  Hummm, hand logging may in fact be faster or even better.. However it ain't
  for me.. I have no desire to ever log by hand ever again.. I will be very
  happy way down in the middle of the results list logging by computer..
  I'm not really convinced logging by hand is faster if you can type like 
  Trey N5KO or Jay WS7I they can make most legal sectaries envious with 
  their typing speeds..

    73's, de Ron K5DJ

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