[CQ-Contest] IARU Member Society Stations in 1997

Bernie McClenny bernie.mcclenny at mail.wdn.com
Mon Jul 14 07:28:15 EDT 1997

Fred, Thanks for the list!  It is great to see so many IARU Member
Society stations on this year.  Last year I operated from W1AW/3 (W3LPL)
and it was a blast.  However it
seemed as if there were not many HQ stations.  Last year 19 societies
sent in logs.
Your log shows 26 (just on CW).  It was great to work FMRE, IARU and
NZART.  Sorry I missed FRA, LABRE, RCV and WIA which I have not heard
before.  I hope that more IARU stations are active for next year,
especially outside of Europe.  The more the IARU stations the more
exciting the contest becomes.  de Bernie

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Editor of The Daily DX

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