[CQ-Contest] QTH Rental Site is QRV

Sean E. Kutzko kx9x at juno.com
Tue Jul 22 13:38:26 EDT 1997

Hi, folks-

The QTH Rental Information site is now up and running. It is crude at
this point, but it does exist. The URL is:


If you sent me information about a place you rent out, please visit the
site and confirm your information is correct. 

At the moment, the site is just a simple text file. I plan on developing
a searchable database in the future. Comments are welcome.

If you would like your rental QTH listed on the site, please e-mail me at
kx9x at juno.com with as much of the following information as possible about
your site:

Ham Prefix
Location (city)
BRIEF(!!) description of the site (apartment, cottage, house, cave in the
wall, etc)
Contact's name and call
Snail mail address
WWW address
Transmitter available on site?
Amplifier available on site?
Antennas available on site? If yes, please list.
Price (per week, in US Dollars)

If you have already sent me an entry for the page, and some of the above
info is missing from your listing,  feel free to e-mail me with the
additional info. I will update the page as often as my schedule will
reasonably allow.

Keep in mind that this is just the "starting point." I will continue to
upgrade the quality of the page as time allows.

Thanks for all the input, and remember that the list is only as good as
the info on it. If you have something to add, please let me know.

73 and Good DX,

Sean KX9X

Sean Kutzko, Amateur Radio KX9X
Elkhart, Indiana  USA (Grid EN71)
"Sometimes you have to play a long time
to be able to play like yourself."--Miles Davis

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