[CQ-Contest] Icom/Heil and the Answer is.........

Larry Lindblom-wa0etc wa0etc at ix.netcom.com
Mon Jun 2 10:43:46 EDT 1997

George C. Cook wrote:
> Use a .47 mfd Tantilum capacitor with the + side towards the rig.
> There is aparently on the Icom a DC voltage present on the line
> Which I am sure matches up with an eletrit element in there own manufacture
> mike.
> .01 mfd did block the voltage but rolled off the lows.
> Thanks for the unbelievably fast responses that came in
> (7 in just under 15 min!!!)
> It is great to have so many contest elmers in one place at one time
> George
As a follow-up to George's post, does the Heil adapter for Icom rigs
include the capacitor?  Curious about this because I recently bought an
Icom 775 with my oldTS-930 now being a back-up rig.  I also purchased
the Heil Icom adapter and assume it has the necessary capacitor.  But I
also know what is said of assume ( it makes an "ass" out of "u" and
"me").  BTW, I have to run theMIC gain a might on the high side for
adequate drive which makes me suspicious but have gotten several
unsolicited comments about "good audio).

Larry Lindblom
wa0etc at ix.netcom.com

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