[CQ-Contest] Re: aviation headsets

AA4NC at aol.com AA4NC at aol.com
Fri Jun 6 14:05:45 EDT 1997

Aviation headsets have come a long way in the last few years. If you are
going to go to an aviation type headset, I'd advise going for an electronic
noise cancelling type. Most all of the major players are making an electronic
noise cancelling version that may help in contesting if you have problems
with background noise at multi-multis, expeditions, FD, or mobiling. There
are ENC type headsets in full ear covering (like a Heil ProSet or traditional
David Clark) as well as lightweight types that are more like a Heil BM10. 

I just bought some new ENC headsets from a company called Lightspeed that are
around $275, so the prices are getting better as well. My last (Telex) pair
was over $600. A Heil HC4 will work very well if you want to change the mic.
element to get that midrange peak for that patented "contest audio"...


Will AA4NC 

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