[CQ-Contest] FIELDDAY from ON4UN

John Devoldere john.devoldere at innet.be
Fri Jun 6 19:22:48 EDT 1997

Hi there contesters.

I will be opparting the CW fieldday with my local club this weekend  (Sat
15:00z to Sunday 15:00z). Our call is ON6MS/P and we will be acytive on 40,
80 and 160 (only). I will be mostly 3505-2520 / 7005 - 7020  and 1830- 1835
during night (DX) hours, but will be SP'ing quite a bit. 

We would appreciate your points. Last year I managed to work quite some DX
from the fieldday station. Please look for ON6MS/P and give us a point

Thanks a million.

John, ON4UN   for the TLS club

john.devoldere at innet.be
Call us in all major 1997 contests: ON4UN or OT7T
John Devoldere (ON4UN-AA4OI)
P.O.BOX 41
B-9000 Ghent (Belgium)

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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