[CQ-Contest] Signal reports

Rita A. Weed KD1BM at worldnet.att.net
Sat Jun 7 07:33:04 EDT 1997

> From: Randy Thompson <k5zd at ultranet.com>
> To: 'cq-contest at contesting.com'
> Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] Signal reports
> Date: Thursday, June 05, 1997 0:24 AM
> On Tuesday, June 03, 1997 6:39 PM, Kevin E. Schmidt wrote:
> > 
> >
> > I am curious whether serious contesters feel the same way.  That is, do
you send 599 just to save time and effort in transmitting, and on the
receiving end you would just as soon get honest reports, or does
receiving honest reports slow you down and annoy you?
> > 
> > 73 Kevin w9cf
> >
> I guess I could be considered a 'serious' competitor.
> - It doesn't bother me at all when people send real signal reports.  I
kind of like knowing!  It certainly doesn't slow down or annoy me.
> - I would send more real signal reports if the software supported it!
> Randy, K5ZD

Sometime in the mid 80's, I was doing very casual S&P contesting during
CQWW SSB, mostly for new band/countries.  I came upon a "new one" and
listened to him working what appeared to be a contact from a somewhat
newbie to contesting. The young fellow gave the contester a 4x7 and in
shocked amazement, the avid contester said, "Huh, come back when you have a
real antenna" and  without missing a beat, moved on, calling CQ Contest. 

Ouch! It was like a slap in the face to that poor, young fellow. He gave,
what to him, was a genuine signal report rather then the standard 59 and
this was his reward.  Reading these signal report posts brought it to mind
and I wonder if the young man is a contester today.

It's no surprise to me that most people send 59(9) ... especially after
hearing that exchange. I never forgot it and never send less than 59(9).
Call me thin-skinned, if you will.  

In this instance, ego was more important to the contester than a genuine
signal report.

Rita -  KD1BM

Rita A. Weed - Amateur Radio Callsign KD1BM
         Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA          
                kd1bm at worldnet.att.net
              <-----ICQ UIN - 527153 ----->
Friendship! mysterious cement of the soul!
    -- Robert Blair

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