[CQ-Contest] Contest Connections in Fort Worth, TX

Randy Farmer w8fn at erinet.com
Mon Jun 9 19:03:13 EDT 1997

Hello all. I have just accepted a new job in Fort Worth, Texas. I would
like to hear from any active contesters in the Fort Worth area. It may take
me a while to get completely moved in, so I'd like to possibly find a multi
station where I could help out next fall (I prefer CW). I would also be
especially interested in hearing from anyone who has advice as to where
towers are and are not permitted in the Keller, Haslet or nearby north
Tarrant County areas. I have a MAPSCO book, so I can find most any address
or area on the map.

Please reply to the e-mail address below, NOT the entire reflector!

Thanks & 73...
Randy, W8FN

Randy Farmer, W8FN
W8FN at erinet.com
W8FN at compuserve.com

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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