[CQ-Contest] Re: intl radio filter

Dave Earnest k7jj at garlic.com
Wed Jun 11 09:53:35 EDT 1997

Lee Buller wrote:
> K7LXC Wrote............
> >In a message dated 97-06-09 00:01:44 EDT, ve4xt at mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly
> >Taylor) writes:
> >
> >> Hi. Anyone using International Radio crystal filters in a TS-850?
> >>
> >>  Any comments regarding quality/performance appreciated, particularly as
> >>  pertaining to contest operation or in comparison with the KW filters.
> >
> >    I've got a full complement of the IR filters in my 940 and they are THE
> >BEST investment you can make for your radio. They are FABULOUS! The 400 Hz CW
> >filters are sharp. You've never seen the Kenwood slope tuning work until
> >you've used it with the IR filters. Tuning out the low end growl from
> >adjacent signals on sideband is amazing.
> >
> >     The Kenwood filters aren't even close in performance and selectivity.
> >
> >73,  Steve   K7LXC
> Amen and Amen.  The above statement I can fully agree with.  The 400 Hz
> filters have an excellent shape factor...better than Kenwood's own.  The
> only down side is installation.  On my TS850 the instructions were to solder
> the units into place and that left me  scared spitless to do that in a new
> rig.  Well, all went well...  If I ever upgrade and they are available....I
> will put these filters in.
> Lee
> k0wa at southwind.net
Hmmmm, wierd. My filters dropped in. I don't recall soldering. Anyway,
the 400 hz filters are great. I also had a 400 hz filter in my TS440.
When it went to Kenwood for repair, they took it out to do their thing
and would not reinstall it.
I sent email to the new owners (W2VJN) at INRAD and they were most
accommodating and sent me instructions for putting the filter back in.
(I had lost the original. Pretty neat service, considering they did not
make the original sale.

73, Dave K7JJ
email: k7jj at garlic.com
Morgan Hill, CA
HZ1AB-----> http://www.garlic.com/~k7jj/hz1ab.html

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