[CQ-Contest] July CQ and QST arrive

Henry A Pollock henrypol2 at juno.com
Fri Jun 20 16:19:39 EDT 1997

I was out of town on business earlier this week so did not get a chance
to check the PO box until this morning.  Not sure when these arrived,
but for those who have not received theirs yet, here goes....


Front cover photo of the EA7RCL club station shack and antennas with the
"Rock of Gibraltar" in the background (short writeup on Contents page,
a`la CQ).

Contest related items: Results 1996 Ten Meter Contest; Two For The Price
of One (adding 6 meters to a HF dipole); Hints & Kinks - Band-data
connector for the FT1000MP; and Happenings - Dayton 97.

Other interesting items:  Computer Control for Mobile Ham Radio Operation
(this might be just the thing for operating contests mobile); and CW With
Your H-T (a way to get those 'shack-on-a-belt types' interested in CW).


Front cover photo of AA4S and his Uni-Hat vertical with elevated radials,
with some details on the Contents page.

Contest related items:  Zero Bias (editorial) - Dayton 1997; A Close Look
at the 40 Meter Zepp and Double-Zepp All-Band Antennas; Rules - 97 CQ WW
RTTY DX Contest; and Contest Calendar column - Multiplying Your Contest

Other interesting items:  Doug's Desk column - QRN Squasher Upgrades
(version III); Packet User's Notebook column - Cause and Cure of RFI in
Packet Radio (some of these may be applicable to more than packet); and
Washington Readout column - Amateur Radio and the 21st Century (more
about the need for CW!).

Ads:  Surplus Sales of Nebraska's Catalog 8 is "coming soon"!!! (I've
already forgotten what it was I wanted to order from them back in April
when I asked for the catalog!)

73 and good reading,
Henry Pollock - WB4HFL
Raleigh, NC

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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