[CQ-Contest] ARRL SSB Big Gun Comparison

Ari Korhonen ari.korhonen at pp.kolumbus.fi
Mon Mar 3 16:00:08 EST 1997


While tuning across 20 meters last Saturday during the ARRL phone, I made
some notes and compared the signal strenghts of the big boys who were CQing
and running guys on their own frequencies.
The time was around 13Z and I suppose everyone had their beams on Europe.

Please do not take this too seriously, because there are obviously various
things that make this kind of comparison less than accurate. There may have
been QSB, some guys had their stacks on EA7 -some on OH, propagation was
favouring certain parts of the country etc, etc. This should, however, give
you an idea how various stations compared up here in OH land. Most signals
were quite equal in strenght, but there were some exceptions as well.

I was using the S-meter of my FT1000MP and 4 over 4 stack @130/60´.

FREQ            STATION         RS

14145           VE3EJ           59+5
  150           W1MD            58
  152           K1KI            58
  153.5         W2PV            59+5
  154.5         W2XX            58
  156           W3LPL           58
  157.5         KC1XX           59+5
  159           KE3Q            59
  161           AA1ON           58
  165           K3ZO            58
  167           W3BGN           58
  168.5         W1FJ            59
  170           K3LR            59+5
  172           N3RS            58
  174           K5ZD            59
  175.5         AA1K            58
  185           WR1X            58
  186           N2NT            58
  253           N6BV            59
  259           K1NG            58
  263           K3II            57
  271           N2RM            59
  289           K1MY            58
  310           K8LX            58
  318           K1ZD            58
  320           K1ZM            58
  332           WA2VUY          58
  340           K3WW            58

                73 Ari, OH1EH

                oh1eh at pp.kolumbus.fi

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