[CQ-Contest] Labels

Cesar Augusto de C. Rodrigues cesar.rodrigues at originet.com.br
Tue Mar 4 12:33:59 EST 1997

Hello All,

As I've said before I'll confirm all ARRL CONTEST QSOs both CW and SSB.
The cards have already been printed and I'm about to start printing the
labels from the CT 9.27.

I've taken a look to the logs and found out a lot of stations worked on
both modes. So, I'd like to print both modes on the same label.

Does anybody know a simple way to do that? I mean:

1. How to append one file to another?
2. Is there any freeware/shareware application to print the labels from
the appended file?

Thanks in advance.

73 DX de ZZ2Z (PY2YP) - Cesar

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