[CQ-Contest] Control Op in Contest?

AA7NX at aol.com AA7NX at aol.com
Wed Mar 5 11:38:41 EST 1997

Isn't all of this technically irrelevant in a DX contest due to the Third
Party rules? (Assuming you are a US licensed station/operator). 

This has always been a question in my mind. What do you think of this? If I
invite a lower-class licensee to operate my station outside the subbands
allowed by their license class, they are not allowed to communicate with any
stations in countries that the US does not have a 3rd party agreement with.
This is because when operating beyond their priveledges, they become a "3rd
party" operator of my station, much the same as if they were an unlicensed

It is illegal (as far as I know) to allow a non-ham to communicate with a
station in a country that the US doesn't have a 3rd party agreement with.
Letting your unlicensed friend talk to a ham friend in Russia, for instance,
is illegal. When a licensed ham exceeds their class priveledges, they are
treated exactly the same as if they held no license at all, and become a 3rd
party. Are these statements true or false?

There - I've said it a number of different ways to hopefully reduce confusion
of my premise. Let me know what you think. 
Mike  K7NT

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