[CQ-Contest] K4HQ asks

Brogdon, Al, W1AB abrogdon at arrl.org
Fri Mar 7 14:16:00 EST 1997

>From: Bill Coleman AA4LR
>To: Brogdon, Al, W1AB; cq-contest
>Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] K4HQ asks
>Date: Friday, March 07, 1997 1:57PM
>On 3/7/97 13:45, Brogdon, Al, W1AB at abrogdon at arrl.org wrote:
>>     In addition to Bill, AA4LR's, comments on running, see QST, Dec 1997, 

>>center of page 19, for an excellent photograph of running.
>Al, can I borrow your time machine?


     QRZ the AA4 in the 1999 WPX Contest?

     Make that 199six.

     They call me lightning when I sit down at the computer keyboard.  (Why; 
because you're so fast?)  No, because I never strike the same place 

                              73,   Al

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