[CQ-Contest] 16 years old.(for hw long?)

Mike Smith-VE9AA, Coreen Smith ve9aa at brunnet.net
Fri Mar 7 22:42:54 EST 1997

No disrespect meant but I wish they had email when I was 14, cuz then 
I coulda bragged about THAT for a whole year.  I am sure there are 
many many others who were even younger when THEY were licensed.
Is this some kind of status symbol or something?
(like adding your dxpedition calls after your email-which BTW, I 
agree with.  It sometimes let's you know just who it is that you are 
talking to or reading the email by. Kinda of an association by 
I am with Ken/n4uk/35 years old, is this Andrew ever going to
 upgrade to "17" ?
Let's move onto some real contesting ideas.
MIKE 33 years old EXTREEE classss.......oh brother ;0|

Michael & Coreen Smith
271 Smith Rd, Waterville
Sunbury Co, NB, E2V 3V6
****new email address*****
ve9aa at brunnet.net

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