[CQ-Contest] Cuba Libre at the end of the world

J Downing jdowning at intelenet.net
Tue Mar 11 18:00:11 EST 1997

Greetings all,

As you may have noticed, V31DX was not on for the ARRL SSB test this 
year.  From the looks of the scores it appears that the contest was 
tough going - so maybe we didn´t miss much.  Instead I kept flying the 
trusty old Cessna south - operating a little 20 and 40 meters along the 
way.  So here I sit in the Internet Cafe in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, 
Argentina - as far as I could go without crossing the Drake passage to 
Antarctica.  It´s an amazing place.  Everybody in LU land has been 
absolutely fantastic.  If you´re planning on coming here, send me so 
mail direct.  The view of the Beagle Passage from the window here is 
simply breathtaking.  Great place for kites too!  Heading north tomorrow 
- I´ll be on 5047 and 10024 khz for air traffic control and 20 and 40 
SSB on the way back. 

Best to all

John W2NA
V31DX the Cuba Libre Contest Clubç

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