[CQ-Contest] Info wanted: Driving multiple VGA monitors

John Brosnahan broz at csn.net
Thu Mar 13 09:08:30 EST 1997

In my multiop contest station I plan on having one computer
run Geoclock and some propagation program to be determined.
These will probably run in separate windows (in OS/2) and I would 
like to pipe the VGA signal around the room to a monitor at each
operating position.

I recall seeing an article a few years ago on a box to drive multiple
VGA monitors but after a thorough check of my library I can't find the
article--don't recall the magazine even.  There are commercial 
boxes available to do this job but they are expensive ($200) and I 
would prefer to roll my own, probably by using a commercial VGA 
switchbox and gutting the switch part and replacing it with the 
video drivers.  This gets me a nice box with all of the connectors 
with a minimum of work.   That way I can concentrate on the 
electronics rather than the packaging.

Does anyone recall an article on this subject or have any information
(or even know of a reasonably priced commercial version)?

Thanks for any help and I will forward any info directly to anyone with
a similar interest--just let me know that you are interested as well.

73  John  W0UN

John Brosnahan
La Salle Research Corp.
24115 County Road 40
La Salle, CO 80645 USA

voice 970-284-6602
fax   970-284-0979
email broz at csn.net

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