[CQ-Contest] IZ9Z Lampedusa is. WPX97 & Contest Program

I4UFH Fabio i4ufh at contest.dsnet.it
Sun Mar 16 23:36:09 EST 1997

                   IZ9Z Lampedusa is. WPX 97

Next Monday, 24 March, we will leave from Italy flying to Lampedusa

Lampedusa is, as more of you know, the most southern Island of the 
Political EUROPEAN Continent, but geographically is part of the 
AFRICAN Platform, and due this particular anomaly, the Island is
Located in the African Continent and CQ Zone 33.

We had started to plan WPX the day after the CQWW96, on the only
One boat that connect the Island with the mainland.  Unfortunately
the WPX is on the Easter  weekend, so we had started to search some
Flight to the Island, but  all was fulfilled starting from January

The Island is  quite difficult to approach, trough boat or airplane
the boat is frequently broken, so you must plan to stay 2 / 3 days
on the Island, because the boat repairs service is in Germany !

The  flight are  rarely, excluding  summer  season ,  with a lot of
charting flight, not very cheaper, and without  any chance to bring
with you very large or weight luggage !!

During this  period  there  are  only  2  daily regular flight, for
medical emergency , no  hospital on the island, business man  , and
for the local to reach the mainland for shop.

The Easter period  has filled all the available flight, and  so the
Contest was in over until  the last week, were  we have found a way
after a very long waited overbooking  to managing a round trip from
our respective QTH.

The 5 Operator  comes from 5 different  cities  of Italy, is like a
National  ContestPedition,IK2SGC, Mat from Milan, I4UFH, Fabio from
Bologna,  IV3TAN, Albert from Trieste, IT9GSF, Fabio  From Palermo,
and IT9EQO,  Antonello from Ragusa.  They are all member of the MCC
Marconi Contest Club, the first Italian Contest Club.

The special semirare Call IZ9Z has been requested and obtained from
our PTT, an unusual call from the Island,the regular prefix is IG9,
but due old PTT rules a 2X1  call  with IG9 pfx cannot be authorized
for Contest, only for some International  Radio Event, remember the
IG9A/IG9R/IG9T/IG9W  activity in  the CQWW95, the centennial of the 
Radio invention.

The station is located in the center of the Island,where take place
some of the last IG9's activity in the CQWW96.  Antennas are on the
ground we still need to building the 160m antenna, and stand up the
beverage, but we plan to be ready the 27 March, just one day before
the Contest, allowing us to tune up all the station a solve the last
RFI interference

We are planning to spend  most  of our  time on lower band, due the
double score credit but during  the  daylight  period we will catch 
opening on 15m an  10m, in  the last days, 15m sound very good from 
EU, so we hope on JA's and W's opening.

In this propagation condition , due  the geographically position,  we
expect a  very strong  EU opening, so plan  to  look for us also on 
higher band, 10m could  surprising some one, in the last  Lampedusa 
activity, we running EU pile-up on 10m, at 2200/2300 z !!!

All the Contest program recognize   the IZ9  prefix as  an Italian,
Sicilian call, obviously, so, if you work us, you will not have the 
correct score credit,  this is true  for the  EUROPEAN  and AFRICAN
station. The EUROPEAN log the  QSO  as an  EUROPEAN Prefix  so they 
credit 2/4 point instead of 3/6 point the AFRICAN, log the QSO with
3/6 point instead 2/4. For this  we  suggest you  to update you CTY
file adding the IZ9Z callsign( be warning do not add the simple IZ9
prefix, this prefix is'NOT assigned in unique way to the island) to
the IG9 line, this will allow you to have a correct score.

This is the line mod's for the CT9 / TR    CTY.DAT
European Italy:    15:  28:  EU:   41.90:   -12.50:    -1.0:     I:

African Italy:     33:  37:  AF:   35.40:   -12.50:    -1.0:  *IG9:

Sardinia:          15:  28:  EU:   39.20:    -9.10:    -1.0:    IS:

Sicily:            15:  28:  EU:   37.50:   -14.00:    -1.0:  *IT9:



Best Greeting from the IZ9Z team, for any info mail us :

Fabio I4UFH     i4ufh at contest.dsnet.it
Mat IK2SGC      matt at galactica.it
Fabio IT9GSF    it9gsf at mbox.vol.it

MCC Marconi Contest Club  http://www.galactica.it/MCC

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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