[CQ-Contest] wilson 6 element tribander

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Wed Mar 19 09:44:01 EST 1997

In a message dated 97-03-19 07:36:19 EST, you write:

> I new to contest done a few but in need of better ant farm here.I have a
>  chance to pick up a Wilson
>  6 element tribander for a good price,I dont know the model number but it
>  on a 24 foot boom.I was wondering if I should get it or get the forcse 12
>  c3xl instead.I dont have any warc bands here so that would not make a
>  diffence here.I do have a smaal lot but will be able to get ant abt 74
>  up.

      Boy, that's an oldie but a goodie.  I don't remember any empirical info
on the Wilsons but suspect that they aren't any worse or any better than
similar trapped tribanders.  I'd give $50-75 for it and maybe $100 if it's in
excellent shape.

    For the cost of the used antenna, I'd buy it and put it up.  It would
help your evaluation tremendously if you have a dipole to compare it to.
 Antennas of the vintage of the Wilson are towards the end of their service
life (weakened aluminum, rusted hardware, oxidation, potential trap problems,
etc.) plus you can't get parts for it anymore so I would consider it a
short-term investment.

    Without doing a side-by-side, on-the-air comparison with the C-3, it's
hard to predict which antenna would be a better performer.  You probably want
to get the C-4 since it includes 40M coverage.

    BTW, the best place to post a question like this is on TowerTalk - the
tower and HF antenna reflector.  Send a message to
towertalk-request at contesting.com with subscribe in the message and you'll be
all set.  There are lots of knowledgeable people that hang out there.

73,   Steve  K7LXC

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