[CQ-Contest] theories on contesting (contesters manifesto)

Ward Silver hwardsil at WOLFENET.com
Wed Mar 19 07:41:52 EST 1997

The points about the value of contest-seasoned operators and quality of
contest-worthy stations are all very good.  Yet don't expect to just waltz
into an emergency situation and have everything seem familiar.  Without
some kind of training in net operation and conventions, you will be a bull
in a china shop.

It would not hurt even a little bit to check into the local emergency nets
from time to time.  All of the states have 75m emergency nets that meet
regularly (check the ARRL Net Directory) and most counties have an active
ARES network.  There are also the Search-and-Rescue and various public
service auxiliaries.

These groups will be delighted to have a savvy, well-equipped operator and
station on-board, even as a very part-time contributor.  But they have a
well thought-out organization and chain-of-command.  Understand it and
learn their procedures.  It takes very little time and will make a huge
difference in your ability to contribute should the need arise.

73, Ward N0AX
King County, WA ARES
EC Team Victor

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