[CQ-Contest] ta-33 talk

KL7RA Fairbanks Alaska kl7ra at icefog.gcgo.nasa.gov
Thu Mar 20 00:41:29 EST 1997

Now its TA-33's. People going to think I'm living in the past.
First it's 830's and now TA-33's. But I just have to comment on the
"opinions" from folks that may have never have used one. Or seen

First off you don't replace a TA-33 with a TH6.  You replace a 
TA-33 with a mono-bander. You buy a longer boom tri-bander if you
don't all ready own a TA-33 or better yet put the money into extra
tower sections. 

The TA-33 is well built for the bucks $
I know because the government facility where I work has three that
have been up for 35 years and are still operational in an arctic

The TA-33 will out-preform a dipole at the same height or in this
case the dipole happens to be higher by 1-4 s-units.
I know because I'm testing this as I speak (type).

The TA-33 at 70 feet will often be the same or within an s-unit for
most signals of a 5 ele 20 meter mono-bander on a 40 foot boom at
90 feet.
I know because I had this setup for 10 years.

The TA-33 at 100 feet for a year of testing will be uncomfortably
close (but not as loud, thank yagi) to multi stacks on 20 thru 10.
All antennas that are installed at KL7RA are tested against a

The TA-33 can work over 4000 q's on 15 meters in a contest.
Done it.

The TA-33 has "won" contests from the Caribbean.
I know anything does.

The TA-33 traps were designed by a great magician and give nice swr
curves per band if its up 60+ feet.
Okay enough..

Rich KL7RA     Proud owner of a TA-33 in high school 1962 because 
               I was LOUD. 


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