[CQ-Contest] Excerpts from ARRL letter - 3/21/97

frenaye at pcnet.com frenaye at pcnet.com
Sun Mar 23 21:11:42 EST 1997

The ARRL Letter            <--- complete text is at:  http://www.arrl.org
Vol. 16, No. 12
March 21, 1997


* End of an era for Radio Amateur Callbook
* League files RACES petition
* Phase 3D comes alive!
* Shuttle hams enthused about SAREX
* Hams have role in US space milestone
* ATV-bearing "rockoon" launch set
* Eimac sells glass-tube division
* Operations approved for DXCC credit
* Solar update
* IN BRIEF: Henry Radio closes ham retail store;
   Ham hospitality at NAB; Hams in the media;
   NASA TV moves


Eimac is out of the glass-tube business. The former Eimac glass-tube 
manufacturing facility has been sold and relocated from Salt Lake City, 
Utah, to Easton, Pennsylvania. The new company, Triton, moved the former 
Eimac plant "lock, stock and barrel" from Utah to Pennsylvania, said Mark 
Hoffman, a senior scientist at Triton. In all, it took 16 tractor-trailer 
loads to move the plant's manufacturing equipment and inventories across the 

country. For now, Triton is manufacturing 46 different Eimac and 
Westinghouse tube types, including the popular 3-500Z, 4-400A and 4-400C. 
Right now, Triton does not make the 6146, 572B, 811A or 4-1000A, but Hoffman 
did not rule out the possibility that the company may tool up to manufacture 
those tubes in the future. Triton also makes glass tube chimneys and 

Hams interested in obtaining small quantities of Triton tubes should contact 
the company's distributor, Richardson Electronics, Lafox, Illinois; tel 

Eimac--recently purchased by an investment group, Communications and Power 
Industries--continues to make and rebuild ceramic external-anode tubes. It 
has been relocated to Palo Alto, California.


* Henry Radio closes ham retail store: Citing competitive pressures, veteran 
ham radio retailer Henry Radio has closed its Los Angeles retail store. Ted 
Henry Jr, W6YEY, said Henry will continue its amplifier and commercial 
lines, but--with the closing of the LA store--no longer has a "storefront" 
retail operation. He said Henry Radio will continue to sell some ham radio 
equipment via mail order. Henry said ham radio retailing was "not a 
profitable business for us and has not been for a number of years." The 
store closing eliminated eight jobs. Henry Radio opened in Butler, Missouri, 

in 1927.

How to Get The ARRL Letter:

The ARRL Letter is distributed directly from ARRL HQ only to elected League 
officials and certain ARRL appointees and to paid subscribers of the 
now-defunct hard-copy edition of The ARRL Letter. For members and nonmembers 
alike, The ARRL Letter is available free of charge from these sources:

* The ARRLWeb page (http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/). This version of The 
ARRL Letter  includes any photographs.

* The HIRAM BBS: 860-594-0306.

* The ARRL Technical Information Server (Info Server): Send an e-mail 
message to info at arrl.org. The subject line should be blank. In the message 
body, type "send ltrmmdd.txt", where mm represents two digits for the month 
and dd represents two digits for the day (The ARRL Letter is published every 
Friday). For example, to request The ARRL Letter  file for Friday, January 
3, 1997, you'd type "send ltr0103.txt". Then, on a separate line, type 

* CompuServe and America Online subscribers, as a downloadable text file in 
the services' ham radio libraries

* The Netcom server, run by the Boston Amateur Radio Club and Mike Ardai, 
N1IST: Send e-mail to listserv at netcom.com (no subject needed). The body of 
the message should say "subscribe letter-list".

E-mail: frenaye at pcnet.com   
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box 386, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444

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