[CQ-Contest] WPX Contest

Martin Luther MartinL at appdes.com.au
Mon Mar 24 10:21:05 EST 1997

Zero Points

I am not sure that it would be such a good idea to award points for
intra country contacts. With double points for low band contacts it
could turn this DX contest into just another US domestic test.

Maybe look the other way. Zero points for QSO's in the same continent.

Better still from a VK/ZS perspective zero points for QSO's in the same
hemisphere defined by the location of the equator! 

Off periods

It will not surprise anyone that I support Trey in his comments on the
WPX 36 hour rather than 30 hour single operator format. I still believe
strongly that  30 hours makes a more interesting contest from a
strategic viewpoint. You really must get the tactics right to optimise
the score. 

It evens out the competition around different regions of the world and
reduces the advantage to those who can sit in the "perfect" location and
run pile ups for 48 hours.

Martin Luther
Martin.Luther at appdes.com.au

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