[CQ-Contest] Contests/Magazine Subs

Ward Silver hwardsil at WOLFENET.com
Mon Mar 24 07:26:39 EST 1997

Hmmm...doesn't sound like you're at all happy with any of the major
magazines!  Editors are always looking for good feedback, what would be
your "dream magazine"?  Here's mine...

Sweepstakes Results (every month!...just kidding)
A meaty antenna design article
Something about station design
A couple of human-interest stories with good photos
One fictional/humorous article
An interview
One review article, with lab measurements
Analysis of some facet of ham radio

Columns - DX/VHF/Contests/Emergency

By the way, if you want serious technical material, check out
Communications Quarterly.

73, Ward N0AX

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