[CQ-Contest] Contests/Magazine Subs

De Syam syam at Glue.umd.edu
Mon Mar 24 17:01:08 EST 1997

On Sun, 23 Mar 1997, Alan Leith wrote:

> I wondered, for a long time, why so many of the locals are so completely out
> of touch with what's going on in ham radio.  Now that I look at it, however,
> the average ham can't afford to pay for a lot a magazines to go with his
> hobby.  My 30+ years of subscribing to these magazines is now down the tubes
> (semiconductors?).

All is not lost, however!  Now that you're on the Internet, why not take
advantage of everything that's available here for free?

You can get a lot of the scores from the various Web Pages that carry
them, and you can read the ARRL Letter on the ARRL Web Page.  That will
keep you up to date on a lot that is going on in ham radio.

                                    Very 73,

                                   Fred Laun, K3ZO 

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