[CQ-Contest] CQ contest hall of fame

K3BU at aol.com K3BU at aol.com
Thu May 1 01:43:45 EDT 1997

 LU6BEG Writes:
<<I'm looking for any info regarding cq contest hall of fame history.  Anyone
can lead me to any magazine issue or any other reference?>>

Contest Hall of Fame was first proposed and established by Yuri Blanarovich,
VE3BMV (now also K3BU) as a part of programs sponsored and ran by
International Radiosport Association (IRSA) and Radiosporting Magazine (first
published in Radiosporting Magazine Nov. 1984).

Later on CQ Magazine decided "to take over" the Contest Hall of Fame without
negotiating or asking IRSA. When I questioned this the answer was "there was
nobody inducted". (Some call it stealing, some violation of Copyright) We
were preparing to have W2PV to be the first one to have this honor, but.....
 in the good ham spirit, we let it be. There was no thank you, nor credit

Rumors are that IRSA and Radiosporting might be coming back to life. Looking
for volunteers to help with various aspects of IRSA activities and
contributors to Radiosporting OnLine. Home page is quietly brewing.
I guess we have to stay one step ahead.

Stay tuned, Yuri, K3BU, VE3BMV, P40A

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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