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jcrovell at jcrovell at
Fri May 2 17:05:42 EDT 1997

>From jcrovell Fri May 02 15:52 EDT 1997 remote from 580howard
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>From: "John Crovelli" <jcrovell at 580howard>
To: "cq-contest" <cq-contest at>, "Jeff Bouvier" <k1am at>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] ARRL CAC input needed
Date: Fri May 02 15:01 EDT 1997
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Jeff,  I also find it amazing a  proposal like this is being given serious 

But then I have recently  been  amazed that certain elements within the 
amateur community wanted to divide  160 meters into cw and phone segments.

For what its worth folks, I am against inclusion of 6 meters, or 30, 17, or 
12 meters in the ARRL HF contest rules.   I see no value in such a rule 
change and I am sure many others on this reflector will supply reams of 

But I would like to see the multiop 2/3 member rule relaxed so more new 
contesters can be given the opportunity to participate without penalty to 
the station owner/club.
How about some comments on that issue.  Anyone listening out there?

CU all at Dayton and then WPX CW.

John, W2GD/P40W

P.S.  Yuri, do the right thing, refund the money.  Only after we "see the 
money" will many of us begin to take you seriously.

From: Jeff Bouvier
To: cq-contest
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] ARRL CAC input needed
Date: Friday, May 02, 1997 2:57PM

k3lr wrote:
> The ARRL Contest Advisory Committee (CAC) is currently studying
> the interest and impact of adding 6 meters to ARRL HF contests
> that do not currently have 6 meters (50 MHz) as part of the bands
> contained in the contest rules for that contest. Some
> examples would be Sweepstakes, 10 meter contest,
> ARRL DX Contest, etc.
> Your CAC representative would
> like to know how you feel about adding 6 meters to ARRL HF
> Contests. Please send your thoughts via EMAIL directly to
> the CAC person in your ARRL division and
> or to CAC at

        The use of 6 meters would be especially humorous during a
TEN METER CONTEST! Who came up with this brainstorm?! DUH!

        73, Jeff Bouvier K1AM ex-K1IU  k1am at

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