[CQ-Contest] 6 Meters in HF Contests

Jimmy R. Floyd floydjr at interpath.com
Sat May 3 00:17:54 EDT 1997

Let me first say I vote "NO" for this proposal.

I have enough trouble with neighbors and all now. Wiping out channel 2 and
their phones will not help at all. I agree with everyone that has spoke out
against it so far.

Now lets think about what brought all this about as K1AM asked I think. I came
up with this and think I have hit on something.

Who is coming out with a brand new radio at Dayton? Yaseu with the 920, which
BTW has HF and 6 meter bands in it. Icom already has the IC-706. My point is
this. What a better way to sell new radios with 6 meters than to tell you 
that 6 meters will be a new band for contesting. Most manufacturers already
know that contesters spend more money on ham radio gear, HF Gear, than any
bunch in ham radio, or at least it seems that way. Before I get flamed I do
not have facts to back that up, but I do not see many guys on the Friday nite
pig farmer net with 3 towers and stacks up and down them. I know that a rig
with 6 meters on it would be of no use to me unless it was made a contesting
band. Then I guess I would have to do something.

Bottom line on all this is that I smell a rat in Newington again. I cannot 
prove anything or I would but just a funny thing about all these new HF rigs
with 6 meters coming out, now the ARRL wants to use 6 meters in contesting.

73 Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at interpath.com << *

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