[CQ-Contest] New NCJ Contest DXpedition Column

K7bv at aol.com K7bv at aol.com
Thu May 15 02:26:51 EDT 1997

Hi Gang,
I have the honor of recently being selected to author a recurring column for
the National Contest Journal.  The column will be dedicatd to keeping all of
us informed of upcoming Contest DXpeditions. Dave, KW9KW, and I have plans to
make this a fun and informative column for all contesters and DXers to enjoy.
 The focal point of the column will be a detailed listing of planned Contest
DXpeditions for major International Contests similar to that offered in the
past.  With any luck, this listing will keep two of you from inadvertently
traveling thousands of miles to end up staring into each other's tribanders.
 Will, AA4NC, and I recently did this down on Anguilla and I am sure both of
our scores suffered drastically.

We are also going to have some fun by including photos, plenty of humor, and
short stories received from the people sneaking off to the top of rock piles
in the sea; cabanas on the beach; and homes of friends across the borders to
enjoy the "other end of the pile-up."

The column will make it's first appearance in the July/August issue of NCJ.
 To get it off to a good start, I need some quick input from you--the people
that pack up their rigs, wires and...occasionally their spouse...to venture
afar to gain some preceived advantage over the next guy and maybe move
themselves up the Top Ten ladder. 

If you are planning a Contest DXpedition anytime in the next 24 months or so,
please drop me an Email as soon as possbile so we can "put you on the list."
 In the near future, the NCJ Website will have an on-line update capability
for this purpose but until then I will have to rely on direct Email input.
 Please tell me:
   Where you are going
   Who is going
   What contest category do you anticipate entering
   What call will you use (if you know at this time)
   Is the trip "planned" or "firm"

My first deadline is May 31 so I look forward to hearing from you as soon as
possible.  Please send me details of your plans by Email to  k7bv at aol.com  or
 FAX 702-849-0973.  Good luck and enjoy !  

See ya as CY9AA June 26-July 3 
Dennis Motschenbacher  K7BV
VP2EV, P40Z, VP2EWW, V47W, YB9BV, V40Z, AA7VB/TI3, KZ5M/KL7, etc.

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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