[CQ-Contest] Stainless Screws

George C. Cook george at epix.net
Fri May 23 18:07:25 EDT 1997

Does anyone know of a source of either stainless steel or brass screws?
I am re building a 6 el quad orriginally used for CB I think for 10 meters
It was originally constructed using plain old steel screws and they are
rusty as heck.

I am looking specifically for 10-32 x 2.5"   These are non load bearing so
strength is not a big issue.


*George Cook.....AA3JU.....AKA "The Ratman" *
*george at epix.net.....AA3JU@W3PYF            *
*http://www.epix.net/~george                *
*                                           *
*Proudly Frankford Radio Club.........      *
*.......Proficiency Through Competiton.     *
*"Not just words but a way of life"         *

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