[CQ-Contest] YV Contest rules

Reinaldo Leandro reiska at ven.net
Mon May 26 17:46:05 EDT 1997

                          Y E A R   1.9 9 7

                    PHONE--- STARTS: 0000 UTC/July 5 /97
                               ENDS: 2400 UTC/July 6 /97

                    CW. ------  STARTS: 0000 UTC/July 26 /97
                                  ENDS: 2400 UTC/July 27 /97 

     To commemorate the 186th anniversary of Venezuelan Independence, Radio
Club Venezolano is sponsoring the 36th Venezuelan Independence Day contest.
It is a world wide type contest, therefore, do not confine your activity working
only Venezuelan stations (YV). Working other DX is encouraged!

     There are four (4) classes: single operator, single and all bands,
and multi operator single and multi transmitter (no limit to transmitters,
but only one signal per band is permitted).

     Use all bands, 10 through 160 meters. (10m, 15m, 20m, 40m, 80m and 160m)

EXCHANGE : (RST) report plus QSO number starting at 001. 

POINTS : contacts  between stations  in the same  country one (1) point,
contacts between stations on the same continent but different countries,
three (3) points and contacts between stations on different continents are
worth five (5) points.

MULTIPLIERS : one (1) for each YV call area for each YV call area contacted
 on each band,  and one (1) for  each different country contacted on each
band (included own). 

FINAL SCORE: total QSO points  from all bands, multiplied by the sum of the
multipliers from each

AWARDS : a plaque to the highest scorer in each class and certificates to
stations working more than 20 per cent of a score reached by the winner in
the same class.

LOG INSTRUCTIONS: all times must be in UTC. 

     Use a separate LOG sheet for each band, and a summary  sheet showing
your call sign,  name
and address,  as well as  the  scoring and the usual  signed  declaration
stating  that all CONTEST RULES and regulations for amateur radio in the
country of the contestant have been observed. Each YV call area (9) and
each country (DXCC Country List) should be entered only the first time they
 are contacted  in each band.  Logs containing  less than 30 QSO's will be
considered as Check-Log.

     Mailing deadlines is September 30  for SSB entries and October 31 for
CW and they go to:
                  RADIO CLUB VENEZOLANO
                  Concurso INDEPENDENCIA DE VENEZUELA
                  P.O. Box 2285-Caracas 1010-A
                  V E N E Z U E L A  .-

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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