[CQ-Contest] CW Abbreviations and Report Speed

Martin Luther MartinL at appdes.com.au
Tue May 27 11:44:40 EDT 1997

I agree with Randy about the use of numerals. I found as a CW contest
novice that I nearly always needed a fill on numbers sent to me in a
strange way. 

As mentioned the A for 1 etc is a problem.  what? did I get his call
wrong? no, oh shxx!   nr?

Then there are the vk5gn ur (at my speed)  5nn (at 60wpm) anae (at
35wpm). Help, what?  Damn missed it!  nr?

One station persisted with this through four requests for fills, untill,
much to my relief, he sarcastically reduced speed to 12wpm to send it to
me. I got it that time!

What do I prefer?  5nn (or 57n or ......) and the number in full
numerals 0 = - - - - -. Although I can live with the - - - version used
a lot by JA's. Do not send the report at ridiculous speeds in WPX or
other serial number contests.. I can live with it in CQWW and others
where I know what to expect and am mentally ready. I can then do a
binary choice. Is it what I expected, yes, log it. Is it not what I
expected, ask for repeat and maybe even QRS.

 If in doubt send me the lot at not more than 30wpm and we will all live
happily ever after.

Did a 21MHz mono in this test. My favourite band. 780QSO's with about
720K points. Thanks for the fun.

Martin VK5GN
MartinL at appdes.com.au

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