[CQ-Contest] "Yes, Virginia, there really is a 'Europe'"

Ronald E. Vincent rev at efn.org
Mon May 26 18:19:02 EDT 1997

After friend Bob, W7SX, arrived at my QTH for a Fri.-Sat. stay on his way
to Bend, I had an opportunity to swap a few Q's with VERY loud EU stations
on our first night of the 'test, when time permitted.  My KT34XA, somewhat
bent up from a snow storm of a couple years ago (but with a stable SWR)
over the neighborhood hill seemed to do OK.  100w. (due to my neighbors not
particularly liking my Henry 2K-4) worked fine in S&P mode . . . 249 Q's .
. . 107K pts. with NO real time investment.  This is the first REAL opening
we've had at this QTH for a LONG time into EU.  W6/W7 must have had some
GREAT sigs at QTH's having premier paths to EU.  The Sat. night opening was
down a bit, but still good.  

As the QRP'er-On-But-Slightly-Behind-The-Hill, I enjoyed the brief opening
to EU-land!  Thanks, EU-ops. & "mother-nature-sunspots" . . . maybe the
Faraday lid is raising a bit off the US Northwest to EU.

The box-scores for this one must be out-a-sight . . . can't wait to see 'em.

Alles Gute, bis zum naechsten Mal,
Merci, bon chance
ciao ciao, spasebo! 73 de wj7r Ron  "Beautiful downtown Eugene, OR., Peace,

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