[CQ-Contest] Re: CQWW rules question?

Martin Ellis jmellis at ihug.co.nz
Mon Nov 3 15:53:37 EST 1997

Alan W6RCL wrote:
> Does anyone know the basis of the "10-minute rule'' for CQWW
> contestants in the ''multi-op, single transmitter'' category?

My guess is something like this:

1. Operating on 20m, you hear a new country (say VK)on a different
band, say 15m.  If you jump to 15m work this one only, and return
to 20m it does not give other VKs who need your country on 15m
a similar chance to work you.  

2. If you could alternate QSOs between these bands with a device
to prevent simultaneous transmissions (octopus)you are really
operating as a multi/multi under another name.

But has this 10 minute rule been overtaken by the multiplier
station rule?

Martin ZL1ANJ

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