[CQ-Contest] CW Contest Demographics

Ray Rocker rocker at datasync.com
Tue Nov 4 04:04:11 EST 1997

> I remember seeing this table last year, but I can't find my copy, so I
> don't know if the categories are the same....it'd be interesting to compare
> the two years.

I'll add data from my 1996 CWSS log (1000 QSOs, makes figuring 
percentages easy) to your table below...

                         <-- mine -->
> 10-19     2     0.4%     2     0.2%
> 20-29     4     0.8%     4     0.4%
> 30-39     8     1.7%    42     4.2%
> 40-49    11     2.3%    37     3.7%
> 50-54    45     9.3%    89     8.9%
> 55-59    97    20.0%   167    16.7%
> 60-64    70    14.5%   159    15.9%
> 65-69    65    13.4%   134    13.4%
> 70-74    61    12.6%    91     9.1%
> 75-79    58    12.0%   119    11.9%
> 80-84    16     3.3%    36     3.6%
> 85-89    14     2.9%    28     2.8%
> 90+      33     6.8%    92     9.2%

I kinda think checks are somewhat skewed low. Many younger ops 
don't have nice big stations of their own, so they borrow, and 
use the check or the station owner or club. e.g. at K5MDX we used
our club's check of 77 but average of the ops' checks would be 88.

-- Ray, WQ5L, check 81, age 29.98

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