JATKO:Re: JATKO:[CQ-Contest] re: 'Sweep' Conte st and EU/ DX !

Klimoff Timo timo.klimoff at ktm.vn.fi
Thu Nov 6 08:57:04 EST 1997

>> In Finland, our contests are 4 hours long and we can work anyone 4
>> times, HI!
>> ______________________________________________________________

A minor correction: In Finland, CONTESTS ARE 2 (two) HOURS LONG!
(tnx Pasi OH6UM!).

73 de Timo OH1NOA

Motto: "Too much work makes Jack very dull boy"
                Timo Klimoff 

Email:          timo.klimoff at ktm.vn.fi     
or              oh1noa at qsl.net
WWW-homepage:   www.qsl.net/oh1noa
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                "The Truth Is Not Out There..."

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