[CQ-Contest] Gerry Mathis, W3GM, SK

George Cutsogeorge w2vjn at rosenet.net
Fri Nov 7 06:38:18 EST 1997

W3GMs station and antenna farm were wonders to behold.  Gerry had 8 or 9
towers with various types of mono band yagis.  Most of the towers were 100
footers, guyed 4 ways and had hinges at the base.  Each could be tipped
over with a gin pole and winch for maintaining the antennas and rotor drive
pipes.  Yes, many of the rotors were at the tower base and had drive shafts
up to the antennas.  

In the late 60s, during a sunspot max period, contesters learned the value
of low 10 meter beams.  But one never knew what height would be optimum at
any given time.  So Gerry had a stacked pair of 10 meter yagis with the
mast fastened in its center to the top of a tip over tower.  As the tower
was tipped over, gravity kept the stack mast vertical and the beams
horizontal.  Clever arrangement.

We're going to miss him.

w2vjn at rosenet.net

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