[CQ-Contest] SS for NA Only

Dick Dievendorff dieven at email.msn.com
Sun Nov 9 17:04:18 EST 1997

Hi, Dave:

Isn't the situation similar for the BERU, FOC marathon, QCWA marathon, or
the Bermuda contest?  My memory is fuzzy, but I thought that in these
contests (or others like them) QSOs with people outside the community of
invited guests are pointless.  I suspect that there are quite a few contests
that don't allow everybody to play. I agree that there's a difference in
scope because of the number of participants in a major US event like SS.

On the other hand If you called me in SS I'd work you, say hello, chat a bit
if I wasn't really seriously competing, and then get on with the contest.
If I were going full-bore, I'd fire the exchange at you, not log you, and
send TU to whatever you sent me.  I wouldn't want to offend you; I want your
QSO in the next contest!

It's similar to the pointless QSOs I get during CQWW from hams inside the
US.  A few were for a zone or country multiplier, but I'm sure that many
more were from casual guys who came across a loud signal and thought they'd
"give me a point".  I make these QSOs graciously, because I will want to
talk with the very same casual "participants" in SS (a week or three later)
or NAQP or WPX. I also don't want to spend any contest time "lecturing".

I also found when entering a few primarily US domestic events from overseas
that some US hams just didn't know how to deal with a permitted point-value
contact from a DX station.  I had to explain to more than a few US Field Day
participants how to log a DX QSO.

On the other hand, I entered four California QSO parties from England, and
do not recall having any California station question a QSO from England.  I
assume that this is because of the superior operating skill, higher than
average intelligence, greater height, and generally good looks of all NCCC
members and even a few SCCC members.

Work me during CQWW CW!  I'll be at W7RM.

73 de Dick, K6KR, G0MFO

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