[CQ-Contest] Posting Scores for ARRL SS SSB on Internet

Jimmy R. Floyd floydjr at interpath.com
Thu Nov 13 12:13:55 EST 1997

As usual I will be doing the scores for this weekends ARRL SS SSB contest. I 
do have a few guidelines that I would like for you to follow when sending
your scores to me. This will be the format I will be using:

CALL         SECT   HRS   SCORE    QS0'S     SECTS

You can send me just that one line of info or the summary sheet from CT,
NA, or TR. Now here a list of things that also will help with getting 
your score properly posted.

1. NO ATTACHEMENTS !!! If you attach a score of a file it will not be posted.
   Does not take that long to type one line.

2. These scores are NOT official and do NOT send me any logs. I have nothing
   to do with the ARRL besides being a member.

3. In the subject line make sure you put your call and the contest name. I 
   am doing several contests and do not want to get your score mixed up with
   another test. Example: K4ZAM Score ARRL SSB SS. This is VERY IMPORTANT as
   I am doing CQWW also right now and will be doing the SSB portion of this
   test also.

4. Make SURE you put your class on your posting. Do not assume I know you 
   operated anything for the last twenty years. If I receive a posting with
   only single op on it, you will go into the Unlimited Class. 

5. If you send me a correction PLEASE INCLUDE the MISTAKEN SCORE ALSO and 
   the CLASS YOU OPERATED IN. If you only send me your call and correction 
   I have to look through the ENTIRE SHEET to find you. 

6. If you have a story to tell that is fine also, but I do not have time to
   read all of your story just for a score. Please put your scores at the
   top of your story.

   3830 reflector or email them direct to me. 

8. Bottom line is before you send in the score, STOP, READ IT, and see if 
   you can figure out how to post it. If it does not make sense to you I am 
   sure I will have a problem. This saves us both a lot of time in sending

73 Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> K4ZAM <<                 *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at interpath.com << *
           * Club:                      >> PVRC <<                  *

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