[CQ-Contest] Re: 2 rig class

Tom Osborne w7why at mail.coos.or.us
Fri Nov 14 21:05:24 EST 1997

Spike Lazar wrote:
>   There are people on this reflector who appreciate the opportunity
>   of competing and derive more satisfaction in just the challenge,
>   than you may ever achieve by winning.
>   Sincerely,
>   dr. Bafoofnik,

Hi Spike.  There are lots of way you can win without being Nr. 1.  I 
always feel if I beat last years score, I'm a winner. I have a couple of 
buddies I compete against, and if I beat them I'm a winner.  I have 
managed to win a few ceritficates with really meager equipment.  I'm 
running a FT-840, three element home brew 20 meter beam and wires.  I 
have more fun just seeing what I can do with what I got then worrying 
what some one else has got!!  73

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