[CQ-Contest] use of a crane

Niswander, Frederick D. NISWANDERF at MAIL.ECU.EDU
Wed Nov 19 07:58:21 EST 1997

I'd like to echo NQ4I's comments about a crane.  In the early 80's when
I was in Arizona the W7KW (now a SK) antenna farm (which consisted of 5
towers of 180 feet each) had to be lowered to five towers of 120 feet
each (because of litigation).  Bill hired a 200 foot crane and in a bit
over a day we had the job done.  We pulled off the top
section/antenna/prop pitch, lowered it to the ground, tied it off,
pulled off 60 feet of tower in one piece, and set the top section back
on.  Slick.  Really slick.  So, if you have a major job, consider hiring
a crane.  They usually rent out by the half day or day and make the job
easier, quicker, and (IMHO) safer.  Even "short" ones (like 100 feet or
less) are often worthwhile.
     It is CRITICAL that you totally think through the job.  You need to
have all tools available and have as much done as is possible.  To the
extent you can, make sure all parts fit and are functional at ground
level before the crane gets there.  It is very expensive to have the
crane sitting around doing nothing.

Rick, K7GM

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