[CQ-Contest] Re: Categories or "hiding-places" ?

Fred Roberts froberts at pe.net
Wed Nov 19 09:59:15 EST 1997

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Charles Fulp wrote:

> >Let's eliminate them all !  (That IS what you guys are saying,
> right?)  No more M/S, No more SOA, No more LOW POWER, QRP, or
> >Contesting is for REAL  MEN.   Step up to the plate.

Chas K3WW responded ...

> I somewhat like this idea ...list scores for whole world top to
> bottom...one little thing, divide multi op scores by the number of ops
> to determine the position on the list.

Chas - One other "little thing", can those of us with multiple
personalities also multiply our scores by the number of personalities?
73- Fred, W6TKV

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<I>Charles Fulp wrote:</I>
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE><I>>Let's eliminate them all !&nbsp; (That IS what
you guys are saying, right?)&nbsp; No more M/S, No more SOA, No more LOW
<BR><I>>Contesting is for REAL&nbsp; MEN.&nbsp;&nbsp; Step up to the plate.</I></BLOCKQUOTE>
<I>Chas K3WW responded ...</I>
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE><I>I somewhat like this idea ...list scores for whole
world top to</I>
<BR><I>bottom...one little thing, divide multi op scores by the number
of ops</I>
<BR><I>to determine the position on the list.</I></BLOCKQUOTE>
Chas - One other "little thing", can those of us with multiple personalities
also multiply our scores by the number of personalities? Hmm.
<BR>73- Fred, W6TKV</HTML>


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