[CQ-Contest] young contest blood

Ron Hooper ab4ru at stc.net
Fri Nov 21 01:10:24 EST 1997

owner-cq-contest at contesting.com wrote:
> In a message dated 97-11-20 08:29:01 EST, Ron wrote:
> << If some of us would take the time to invite
>  some of the new hams into our shacks it would help preserve contesting
>  for future generations. >>
> Gee, I don't know about that...I kinda like being at the "top of my class"
> for past 3 decades...not many sports where you can do that.  Why ruin a good
> thing?  ;-)
> de Doug KR2Q

Just what class do you sport Doug? I would say you are certainly at the
top of it!
Ron W4WA

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