[CQ-Contest] CQWW HandKey Teams & Noodle Beams - History and Humor

Spike Lazar slazar19 at sgi.net
Fri Nov 28 12:45:02 EST 1997

At 10:14 PM 11/27/97 -0700, Tony Becker wrote: <snip>
>Hi All!
>I had just read this message when W6BIP called for help with his CW
>sending program.  After setting it up, I showed him the "GH Noodle Beam"
>article in CQ-Contest, 
>Bip has had a 40m "Noodle" beam for over 30 years (sorry Dr. Bafoofnik)
>and he claims it was King of the Band when he built it.  
>What burns me up is this Green Giant guy claiming to have thought up the 
>noodles.  What are we going to do about it?"

dr. Bafoofnik answers:

Dear Tony,

It just goes to show ya all great minds think alike!

In my book "Bip" goes down as one of the greatest sweepstakes contest
icons of all times along with W4KFC and KH6IJ. As VY1JA is to Yukon,
so was W6BIP to SF for decades.

Two years ago the Green Hornet and I were fortunate to sit behind
Bip and his lovely lady on a bus ride out to Hara arena at the
Dayton HamVention. It was a thrill for me to meet and talk to my
boyhood hero. (He continues to be my hero even today.) 

When you talk about keyers, many years ago before keyers were available
commercially, Bip had built a pre-programmed keyer for Sweespstakes.
On that bus ride he had told me it worked great, except for one little
detail. He had programmed it for a 1,000 Q's since nobody at the time
had gone past that milestone. Well after he hit 1000 Q's, he had to
finished the contest up with his trusty bug.

As for the Noodle Beam, it has been replaced by the Spaghetti Beam.
This new full size, 3el wide spaced 40 meter yagi is made completely
out of used rebar (including the boom) purchased for less than $20
at a demolition site.

dr. Bafoofnik

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