[CQ-Contest] Battle Creek Special

AA4NC at aol.com AA4NC at aol.com
Wed Oct 1 01:04:54 EDT 1997

The Battle Creek Special is not a commercially available antenna. There are 3
of these (I believe) in existence, and they are built by K8GG, W0CD, and
W8UVZ. It is a trapped vertical that works 40,80,and 160m. These guys support
DXpeditions by loaning these antennas. We used one at CY0XX and it worked
great for a portable antenna.

The beauty of this antenna is that it is very large (about 50' high), but
assembles and erects very easily for portable operations. It outperforms most
any other portable antenna of the type that can be erected on a rock or sand
For your application, however, I would just use wire verticals strung off a
tower, or some other type of full-sized permanent antenna. It should be
fairly easy to outperform the BCS, since it is a compromise antenna. You
could build one yourself, but it would probably be a lot more expensive than
full sized wires, especially if it is built to the commercial standards (or
better) that the BCS is.


Will AA4NC
W4MR - Confederate Contest Club/PVRC

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