[CQ-Contest] Offtime Planning and Sleep Deprivation

Gary Nieborsky k7fr at televar.com
Fri Oct 3 14:35:14 EDT 1997

At 14:08 10/3/97 -0400, Jeff wrote:
>HEADLINE: "Staying Up Can Be Better Than A Nap"
>So, if you were planning to nap during CQWW or SS, maybe it would be
>better to watch a little "Moose Water Polo" on late-night ESPN instead!

My body says not so!  If I can get 2 to 3 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period
I can go for a long stretch of days at that pace.  Less than that and I
can't function worth a darn.  I've got to have at least 2 though.

Gary K7FR

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