[CQ-Contest] Amplifier For Contest Use

Barry Kutner w2up at itw.com
Sun Oct 12 15:31:38 EDT 1997

> On Sat, 11 Oct 1997 18:51:20 -0700, ROBERT WANDERER
> <aa0cy at robertwanderer.gardnerville.nv.us> wrote:
> >Considering the following models. Use primarily for contesting (all
> >modes: SSB, CW, & RTTY) and for DX pileups, rarely for ragchews
> >unless conditions warrant. Other models would be considered too.
> >
> >Ameritron AL-1200 and AL-1500 (other than the lower drive requirements
> >			and the tube used, what are the differences?)
> >
> >Alpha 91B
> >
For CW/SSB I liked the Alpha 78. The broadband tuning allows quick 
band changes (only have to flip band switch - no tuning otherwise). 
But it did get hot running RTTY at full power.
I now use an Alpha 77Dx (one tube) which runs cool on RTTY, but takes 
a little longer to change bands with the load and tune controls to 
contend with.
73 Barry

Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up at itw.com
Newtown, PA         FRC         alternate: barry at w2up.wells.com

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